What are the requirements?
- Successfully complete the Online PEO Application.
- Must be a registered voter in Bay County.
- Must be able to read and write the English language, and direct voters through the voting process.
- Must be able to work at least 14.5 hours on Election Days (approximately 5:45 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.),
- Must have transportation to and from polling place and training classes.
- Must be able to lift 20 pounds and sit or stand for long periods.
- All PEO’s are required to attend a 1 hour Sensitivity and Conflict Resolution class each Election Cycle.
- All PEO’s are required to attend training specific to the position assigned prior to each Election.
- Clerks and Assistant Clerks (PEO Leadership) are required to attend a one-time 6 hour certification class.
- All other training may vary from 1 hour to 3 hours depending on the position assigned.
What Precinct Election Official positions are available?
- Clerk- in charge of the polling place on Election Day; also assists BCS Specialist with opening the Ballot Counting System.
- Assistant Clerks (1 & 2)- responsible for setting up the Accessible Voting System, assisting voters and serves in other positions as assigned by the Clerk; also in charge of the polling place in the absence of the Clerk on Election Day.
- BCS Specialist- opens the Ballot Counting System in collaboration with Clerk; also assists voters with issues which may arise when message appears on screen of the Ballot Counting System.
- Inspector- primary responsibility is to assist voters at the Check-In Table and Ballot Issue Table; also assembles and disassembles voting booths.
- Deputy- Sworn Precinct Election Official assigned to maintain order and security at polling place on Election Day, sets up notice board, and places signs outside of polling location.
For More Information
- Call 850-784-6101 to speak to one of our Precinct Election Official Specialists.