Election Worker Application



Thank you for your interest in becoming an Election Worker! This information will help you make the decision as to whether or not being a Election Worker is right for you.

The primary objective of every election is to uphold our commitment to being a "government of the people, by the people, for the people."

Your involvement is crucial in ensuring that every voter encounters a fair, unbiased, and transparent environment, fostering trust in the electoral process and in the confidentiality and security of their vote.

While election days may be challenging at times, the satisfaction of a job well done will be rewarding. Your service contributes to the advancement of democracy, a fundamental right that is sometimes undervalued.


Nina Ward

Supervisor of Elections

* We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and do not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, sex, or national origin.

What to Expect as an Election Worker

An Election Worker must be courteous and polite, attend a minimum of 1 to 4 hours of training prior to each election. Be prepared to work a long day on election days, and be at their assigned polling place by 6 a.m.


Election Worker Pay:


  • All Election Workers receive $15 per hour for training
  • Leadership $105-$112.50 per shift
  • Inspectors/Deputies $97.50 per shift
  • *These wages are subject to change based on annual approved budget and voting hours per election.

Election Worker Terminology:

  • Expressvote System (AVS): Election equipment that allows the voter to mark the ballot by “touching a screen” or by an audio ballot which is read to the voter.
  • Ballot Counting System (BCS): Election equipment that counts/tabulates paper ballots.
  • Blue Security Cart: Securely stores ballots and election supplies.
  • Precinct: A voting location that is outlined by boundaries. Voters are assigned to precinct polling places according to where they live.
  • Voter Check In System (VCS): Election equipment that contains access to voter registration information. The voter must be sign in under his or her name before voting.
  • Voter Check In Table: Location where inspectors will verify the voter’s information. The voter signs in using the Voter Check In System and this will initiate the issuing of a Voting Pass and paper ballot.
  • Voting Certificate: A paper printed slip that indicates the voter has signed in and is eligible to receive a paper ballot.

Early Voting Sites vs. Precincts:

  • Early voting sites are open up to 15 days prior to an election and can process voters from any precinct.
  • Precincts are open only on Election Day and can process just voters assigned to that Precinct.

    Voting Process:

  • The Election Day polls open at 7 a.m.
  • The Deputy will greet the voter and direct the voter to proceed to the Voter Check-In Table.
  • The Voter will present an approved form of identification (I.D.) to the Inspector and sign in on the Voter Check-In System.
  • Voters who cannot present an approved form of I.D. will be provided an opportunity to vote by provisional process.
  • Once the voter's information is verified at the Voter Check-In System, a Voter Certificate and a paper ballot will automatically print.
  • A Voter who chooses to mark the ballot manually will go into a privacy booth and mark the ballot with a pen provided then place it into the Ballot Counting System (BCS).
  • A Voter who chooses to mark the ballot by machine will use the Expressvote System (AVS) to mark the ballot then place it into the Ballot Counting System (BCS).
  • The Election Day polling place closes at 7 p.m. or after the last Voter has cast their ballot.
Are you a retiree from any Florida State administration retirement system?
Are you a retiree from any Florida State administration retirement system?

If your spouse is also a Election Worker, do you have to work at the same precinct?
If your spouse is also a Election Worker, do you have to work at the same precinct?

Will you work outside of your home precinct, if needed?
Will you work outside of your home precinct, if needed?

Will you serve as an alternate Election Worker (attend training class and be on standby for a work assignment)?
Will you serve as an alternate Election Worker (attend training class and be on standby for a work assignment)?

Do you speak Spanish?
Do you speak Spanish?

Do you have leadership ability and can you see yourself in a leadership position?
Do you have leadership ability and can you see yourself in a leadership position?

Are you interested in working temporary in office positions other than Election Day?
Are you interested in working temporary in office positions other than Election Day?

If yes, are you interested in one of the following positions?
If yes, are you interested in one of the following positions?

Not Required

How did you hear about becoming an election worker?
How did you hear about becoming an election worker?

Not Required



Not Required

Not Required

Which phone number can receive voicemail?
Which phone number can receive voicemail?

Not Required

Not Required


Election Certification Positions:

The Clerk and two Assistant Clerks must be certified on the Expressvote System (AVS), the Ballot Counting System (BCS), Voter Check-In System (VCS), and all precinct leadership requirements. Certification is upon successful completion of a 4-6 hour Master Election Certification (MEC) class.
Not Required

Titles and Duties:

Supervisor of Elections:

Nina Ward, Supervisor of Elections, is the top election authority in Bay County for all Election Boards. She is assisted by her staff in conducting efficient and accurate elections.
Not Required

Election Board:

The Election Board consists of the Clerks and Inspectors at the precinct.
Not Required


The Clerk is in charge of the precinct and will attend Sensitivity/Conflict Resolution Training (1 hour) and a Master Election Certification Training (4 hours for new Clerks) or (3 hours for returning Clerks). The Clerk will instruct Assistant Clerks on setup of Ballot Counting System and Expressvote System. Ensures the precinct is opened and closed properly, and returns election materials to the office on election night.
Not Required

Assistant Clerk:

The Assistant Clerk will help the Clerk with duties and will attend Sensitivity/Conflict Resolution Training (1 hour) and a Master Election Certification Training (4 hours for new Assistant Clerks) or (3 hours for returning Assistant Clerks). The Assistant Clerk will follow instructions from the Clerk, performs duties of the Clerk or Inspector in case of absence. The Assistant Clerks are responsible for setup of Ballot Counting System and Expressvote System.
Not Required


The Deputy maintains good order at the polling place and will attend Sensitivity/Conflict Resolution Training (1 hour) and the Deputy Training (2 hours). The Deputy is deputized by the Bay County Sheriff’s Office and follows instructions from the Clerk. The Deputy will set up the Notice Board displaying Sample Ballots, Election Information and will correctly place Precinct Signs and Cones. The Deputy greets and assists the voters into the polling place.
Not Required


The Inspector will attend Sensitivity/Conflict Resolution Training (1 hour) and the Inspector Training (2 hours). The Inspector follows instructions from the Clerk, checks in voters, verifies voter information on voter check in system, and verifies I.D. and signature. The Inspector is responsible for issuing the ballot to the voter.
Not Required

Vote by Mail Opener:

Workers who open vote by mail ballots during Canvassing Board meetings.
Not Required

Delivery Team:

A team who delivers, sets up, and picks up the election equipment at all the polling locations. Team members must have a valid driver's license, be able to move and lift up to 75lbs, attend and pass training, and be able to work on a team.
Not Required

Call Center:

Workers who take phone calls from the polling locations and make updates to the voter's record. You must have the ability to type and use a computer, answer the phone professionally, and attend and pass training.
Not Required

Technical Support:

Workers who take phone calls from the polling locations and assist election workers with the election equipment. You must have the ability to type and use a computer, answer the phone professionally, and attend and pass training.
Not Required

Multiple Choice: Please mark the ONE valid answer.
Not Required

1. Who is in charge at the precinct?
1. Who is in charge at the precinct?


2. Who is responsible for maintaining good order at the polling place?
2. Who is responsible for maintaining good order at the polling place?


3. Who is responsible for the Expressvote System (AVS) duties at the polling place?
3. Who is responsible for the Expressvote System (AVS) duties at the polling place?


4. Who is responsible for verifying the voter’s I.D. and signature?
4. Who is responsible for verifying the voter’s I.D. and signature?


5. Who is responsible for issuing them a paper ballot?
5. Who is responsible for issuing them a paper ballot?


6. When does the polling place open?
6. When does the polling place open?


7. When does the polling place close?
7. When does the polling place close?


8. When do Election Workers have to show up at their assigned Election Day precinct?
8. When do Election Workers have to show up at their assigned Election Day precinct?


9. When do Election Workers begin breaking down the polling place?
9. When do Election Workers begin breaking down the polling place?


10. Who is the top election authority in Bay County for all Election Boards?
10. Who is the top election authority in Bay County for all Election Boards?


True and False:
Not Required

11. Election Workers can leave the precinct during the day for lunch and come back.
11. Election Workers can leave the precinct during the day for lunch and come back.

12. Election Workers must have excellent customer service skills.
12. Election Workers must have excellent customer service skills.

13. Election Workers don’t get paid, they work as volunteers.
13. Election Workers don’t get paid, they work as volunteers.

14. Election Workers must attend training prior to every election.
14. Election Workers must attend training prior to every election.

15. The Expressvote System can only be used by people with disabilities.
15. The Expressvote System can only be used by people with disabilities.

16. Election Workers must complete Sensitivity and Conflict Resolution Training each election cycle
16. Election Workers must complete Sensitivity and Conflict Resolution Training each election cycle

ELECTION WORKERS STANDARD OATH (Read and Check the box as you go.)
Not Required

I understand the following apply to all Election Worker:
I understand the following apply to all Election Worker:




Not Required

Send  Reset

Nina Ward,
Supervisor of Elections
Bay County
830 W. 11th St.
Panama City, FL








M-F; 8am-5pm